+46 (0)31 - 84 04 50 info@conera.se

Project Description

L’Orèal, Garnier

Garnier organized a competition in a few selected grocessery stores, during spring 2017, where the participants shared their best bike memories. The price was, of course, a bike and ConEra got the task to create the branded bikes for both adults and children. To produce a bike is quite uncommon, but this specific customer usually wants some unique solutions. We have done everything from makeup bags and hair wraps to less complicated items like pens and water bottles over the years. For this job our designers worked on the blueprint for the branding together with Garnier/L’Oreal according to the current graphical guidelines, says Eric Wigardt. ConEra has already delivered the adult bikes to the customer and the kids’ bikes will be delivered in spring.



