+46 (0)31 - 84 04 50 info@conera.se

Project Description

Complete supplier with everything from training clothes to rental logistics of Display material

During the autumn of 2016, ÅF carried out procurement of the product media. They sought a supplier who could support their +9000 employees in an international arena. Sustainability was a highly valued requirement, both on supplier and products. The choice fell on ConEra, arguing that with a personal commitment and organizational capacity we could meet their demands. Since March 2017, we have today an integrated webshop with their intranet where we handle their overall needs.

  • Uniquely designed advertising products in stock for immediate delivery.
  • Training clothes on order, which means that in one week they receive delivery from single garments to larger volumes.
  • ÅF's own display material is booked in the shop with a smart calendar function. ConEra's stock sends the material to and from their various events around Sweden. An appreciated arrangement since we make life easier for those who plan and perform all their fairs and events.
  • We also handle the distribution of internal products they offer their offices to order at no cost such as Posters, leaflets, stickers and roll up.



